Photographer, Insert-Every-Other-Job-
Necessary- To-Run-A-Blog

Hi. I’m Maya.
I’m a twenty-something dog mom living in Brooklyn, New York. And you can probably tell by the fact that I have this blog that I really like food.
I started cooking when I was a small child, and with the help of my family—and the Food Network—I’ve been cooking ever since. I also really appreciate eating great food that doesn’t require doing dishes (ironically my least favorite chore).
By day I work in marketing, and by night, I run this blog, so like many people, I’m crunched for time, like, constantly. And, given that I’m tight on time, I’m just out here #doingmybest. Because I’m so busy, I like to use real, whole ingredients in my meals to make them mostly healthy(ish) to keep me going throughout the day. That said, sometimes mama needs some cake and fries – life is all about balance after all.
So that’s me! I’m not a classically trained chef. I’m just a girl…Sitting in front of her computer…Asking you to read her food blog (and hopefully make some recipes).
Feel free to poke around and leave a comment. Or, shoot me an email at [email protected] and tell me what you think of the blog or what types of recipes you would like to see!